Q: How many sessions do you need?

A: Everyone is different; everyone has different hair growth cycles. Every area of the body also has different recommended sessions. It is recommended 8-10 for smaller areas and 10-12 for larger areas of the body. For specifics, underarms I would recommend 6-10, Brazilian / Bikini 10-12. 

Q: Does it hurt?

A: Everyone has different pain tolerance. What might hurt to someone might not hurt to the other. It is tolerable pain overall. 

Q: How long does it last?

A: Laser is performed every certain number of weeks depending on the area. The goal is to kill off the hair follicle so it doesn’t grow back. Sessions are typically once every 4-6 weeks. Laser does lead to permanency the more consistent your sessions are. 

Q: Do you offer packages?

A: We offer sessions in packages or as single sessions. You can pay by appointment the regular session price or you can purchase a package of 8 or more and receive 10% off at check out. You must purchase all sessions up front if you’re buying a package. 

Q: How long are sessions?

A: Depends the area. Smaller areas take about 10-20 minutes and larger areas we allow 20-30 minutes. 

Q: What does a consult entail?

A: A consult is required by state law before receiving any type of medical service, including laser. You will fill out consent forms, meet with the Physician to go over health history, and we will then perform a patch test to see what settings are right for your specific skin type. After 24 hours, if there is no reaction then you can schedule your initial laser session. Consults are $20 because our time is valuable. 

Q: What is after care?

A: It is completely normal for your skin to be pink or red the first 24 hours after treatment. Aloe Vera gel and icing the area will relieve the tenderness. 

Q: Does hair grow after your recommended sessions?

A: It is normal if your hair grows in random areas once you’ve done most or your sessions. Sometimes your hairs become dormant during treatment and are now active. This is why the normal hair removal protocol is recommended specific sessions to attack the follicle when it’s active. 

Q: How does Laser hair removal work?

A: This method is a faster, gentler way to remove unwanted hair, with great results. It applies precisely controlled pulses of energy (electrical and light, with cooling), reaching into the hair follicles. The energy heats the hair, right down to the bottom of the root, destroying it without damaging surrounding tissue or skin.

Q: Is my hair color a factor for Laser?

A: The light emitted from the laser is attracted to the melanin, or dark pigment, in the hair follicle. This means that dark - chestnut hair is treated most effectively. Gray hair cannot be treated. Treatments performed on red or blonde hair are not generally as effective and may require more treatment.

Q: What are the risks?

A: Laser is a lunch-time procedure. There is no recovery time. Patients can return to work or daily activities immediately. This laser does not remove skin, so the risks are very low. As with any procedure, we have an informed consent that explains all possible risks and contraindications. 

Q: How do I prepare for treatment?

A: Make sure the area is clean and smoothly shaved prior to your appointment. Do not use lotions, deodorants, make up, creams before treatment. No tweezing, waxing, or sugaring should be performed in between sessions. 

Q: How do I find the prices?

A: Our prices are listed on our website. under the PRICING tab

Q: Can you get laser while pregnant or breast feeding? 

A: It is a huge contraindication to get laser while you’re pregnant. We will not treat you. You can get laser hair removal if you’re breast feeding as long as it’s not on the areola or breast tissue. 

Q: Can I receive a consultation and a session in the same day?

A: No, it is our protocol to recheck the patch test before your session so we can see if the skin has any reactions after a 24 hour period. Once the 24 hours is up and you have had no issues, you can book your sessions.